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MTG Commander EDH Deck Torbran, Thane of Red Fell 100 Magic Cards Custom Deck NM

1 Available
$40.00 + shipping & taxes

Product Details

Commander - 1 Torbran, Thane of Red Fell Creatures - 25 Sawblade Scamp Sandstone Oracle Hedron Rover Hedron Scrabbler Thermo-Alchemist Pilgrim's Eye Chandra's Magmutt Filigree Familiar Gimli, Counter of Kills Volcanic Dragon Rapacious Dragon Sparktongue Dragon Lightning Shrieker Wild Celebrants Arcbound Hybrid Arcbound Worker Arcbound Stinger Red Dragon Panicked Altisaur Hissing Iguanar Goblin Fireslinger Goblin Arsonist Spitfire Lagac Paragon of Fierce Defiance Hellkite Whelp Card Draw - 6 Outpost Siege Sunset Pyramid Cathartic Reunion Thrill of Possibility Seer's Sundial Tormenting Voice Damage Spells - 14 Seismic Wave Dual Shot Fireball Magic Missile Hazardous Blast Violent Eruption Chandra's Pyrohelix Chandra's Outrage Fear, Fire, Foes! Blazing Volley Cosmotronic Wave Direct Current Abrade Rolling Thunder Mana Effects - 16 Magnifying Glass Commander's Sphere Mind Stone Phyrexian Atlas Brute Suit Unstable Obelisk Fire Diamond Accomplished Automation Dreamstone Hedron Hedron Archive Letter of Acceptance Traveler's Ammulet Burnished Hart Armillary Sphere Inventor's Goggles Unstable Obelisk Dreamstone Hedron Lands - 38 Evolving Wilds Command Tower Path of Ancestry 35 Mountains

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