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MTG Commander EDH Deck Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines 100 Cards Custom Deck - NM

1 Available
$140.00 + shipping & taxes

Product Details

Commander - 1 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines Creatures - 32 Daxos, Blessed by the Sun Rumor Gatherer Goldnight Commander Basilica Shepherd Karmic Guide Meteor Golem Flickerwisp Hanged Executioner Wall of Omens Roving Harper Priest of Ancient Lore Oreskos Explorer Hedron Crawler Fearless Fledgling Canyon Jerboa Combat Thresher Master Splicer Cloudgoat Ranger Darksteel Juggernaut Visionary Augmenter Geist-Honored Monk Urbis Protector Guardian of the Pilgrims Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit Fiend Hunter Stonehorn Dignitary Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut Extruder Juggernaut Light of the Legions Hedron Rover Ramroller Soul Warden Angelic Wall Finishers and Powerful Effects - 10 Valor in Akros Love Song of Night and Day Secret Rendezvous Long Road Home Marshal's Anthem Cloudshift Far Traveler Settle Beyond Reality Dictate of Heliod Retreat to Emeria Removal - 8 Conclave Tribunal Banishing Light Oblivion Ring End Hostilities Rout Ravnica at War Smite the Monstrous Smite Mana Effects - 9 Mana Geode Commander's Sphere Mind Stone Marble Diamond Citizen's Crowbar Dreamstone Hedron Hedron Archvie Armillary Sphere Adventuring Gear Lands - 40 Idyllic Grange New Benalia 38 Plains Total: 100

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